Ladies of the Lathe (LOTL)
All female members of the FRW, aged 18 or older, are invited to join Ladies of the Lathe. LOTL is intended to provide a comfortable, easy-paced learning environment for women to advance their skills in turning.
Turning is a finesse skill, so massive muscles are not required. We need more lady turners to make shavings. Why should the guys have all the fun?
For more information please contact our Ladies of the Lathe Chairperson:
Marcee Morris
The Workshops
LOTL hosts a class almost every month that is generally a weekday from 10 am to 4 pm in the basement of Rockler Woodworking in Denver. Some are evening classes, or are weekend demos at FRW member shops. The classes expand the knowledge and skills for novice to advanced turners. Class formats start with the teacher demonstrating a skill(s) and instruction in turning, carving, sanding, or finishing. The rest of the class is spent practicing that skill with a project, generally on a lathe. Classes can cover a broad range of topics, such as pen turning, bowls, embellishing turned objects, fruit, segmented turning, tool making, inlays, pepper grinders, and wherever our imaginations take us.
Classes at Rockler are limited to 5-7 attendees. Materials and equipment are provided.
On June 6th, Robert Brewer from Pikes Peak Woodturners gave a Tips and Tricks demo at Rockler. He demonstrated different ways to mount blanks using just pressure and also jam chucks, spinning tops/chucks, tool selections, techniques for sharpening and turning, shop safety, finishing and embellishments, including marbling by using shaving cream and airbrush paints.