Become an FRW Member or Renew Your Membership
Select the option above to fill out an online form and pay with PayPal or Credit Card.
Or use this link to fill out and print an eForm to become a new member. Include the form when mailing payment or bring it with you to a meeting.
Select the option above to renew your membership online and pay with PayPal or credit card.
Or use this link to fill out and print an eForm to renew your membership. Include the form when mailing payment or bring it with you to a meeting.
Membership Benefits
With membership, you will receive multiple benefits, including but not limited to:
- Monthly newsletter
- Ability to check out items from our extensive library
- Discounts in regular bulk orders of various supplies
- Discounts at stores in the Denver area (including the 10% discount at the Rockler store!)
- Demonstrations by locally and internationally known woodturners at our monthly meetings
- Ability to participate in free, hands on classes such as Ladies of the Lathe (LOTL), and Hands On Woodturning (HOW)
- Free monthly Brown Bag demo – bring your lunch and watch a mini in-person demo
- Being listed in and receiving a copy of the membership roster
- Ability to participate in free, hands-on mentoring classes
- And last, but not least, access to the best bunch of woodturners around for questions, war stories, or just to visit
All our club events are funded by your dues and donations.
Important – If your dues are not paid by March your badge will be pulled before the April meeting and you will no longer receive our newsletter (unless you are a recent guest who is still in the two-month trial period) or be included in the member roster.
Membership Dues
- Individual: $45
- Couple: $50
- Student: $22.50
- Under 12 years: Free
Mailing Payments
If mailing payment make the check out to Front Range Woodturners. You can also pay in cash at a meeting if you have the exact amount.
Front Range Woodturners
P.O. Box 620605
Littleton, CO 80162