Library — Books and Videos
The Front Range Woodturners have a wonderful collection of books and videos available to members at no cost. Members may check out items at the monthly meetings, January through November. Bring the item(s) back the following month and check out more.
A catalog of our library (click to download) is available for members to download and preview. Once downloaded, simply open up the file, make it larger (perhaps 125% — it is a very long document to print and will print in small type) to facilitate easier reading, and word search for items that interest you. Your “wish list” can then be used to add items to the on-line Library Wait List for the next meeting (see below).
Woodturning Magazine Index
Bob Britt (librarian from 2014 to 2022) put together an Index of the first 271 issues of Woodturning Magazine from the UK (click to download).
Library Rules
These rules are in effect starting January 1, 2013.
Sign-outs of videos, books, and magazines are for one month, except for the period November thru January when you can have it for two months. Items should be either:
- returned to a Librarian in person,
- dropped in the slot in the side of the red FRW Library cabinet downstairs at Rockler,
- mailed or delivered to the Librarian or an Assistant Librarian, or
- given to another member for return. If the last, remember to follow up with that person to ensure the items were returned.
Please do not leave items with Rockler employees.
- Each month, members in good standing, and those who do not have other overdue items, may sign out up to nine (9) items — any combination of videos, books, and magazines.
- Members may add items to the on-line Library Wait List applicable to the next monthly meeting. If more than one person is on this List for the same item, the first person has until five minutes into the meeting break to check out the item — failing that, the next person on the List may sign out the item. If a member is next in line, that member will be on the Wait List for the following meeting.
- Members who are past due on Library items are not eligible to check out additional items until the past due items have been returned to the Library. Violation of this key Library rule, or obvious disregard of Library rules to the detriment of other FRW members, may result in suspension of Library privileges.
- Financial liability is incurred when Library items are lost.
- If a member needs to borrow Library resources for more than one month (being out of town, on vacation, etc.), pre-coordination with the Librarian is appropriate. For such loans, please borrow only older, less popular items.
- Please take time to sign out items — several items go missing periodically (they “walk”). Some of these items are not replaceable.
A recent inventory indicates that we appear to have a few items that are missing from our library and do not appear in our records as having been signed out. If you come across an issue of a magazine or a DVD that you note is from YOUR FRW Library, kindly return it at the next meeting. No questions asked. Just return the materials to the sign-in desk (Returns Table).
WANTED – If you are aware of a video or book that the club should consider adding to our collection don’t keep it a secret. Pass along your suggestions to any Assistant Librarian or to yours truly. We will follow-up and give it thorough consideration. Thank you all.
Remember when you are into turning sooner or later things are bound to come around.
We truly have a wealth of educational materials available for sign-out. At last count close to 1,000 such resources — so enjoy!
Thanks again to our Assistant Librarians. Please take time to thank them for their hard work!
Bob Britt
FRW Librarian
2014 – 2022
Library Pick List
This is a file that has a list of suggested resources that have been recommended by our librarians. If you have a particular interest but aren’t quite sure what to look for, take a look at this ‘Best of’ list. (click to download)
Library Wait List
If you would like to place an item on the Library Wait List for the upcoming meeting, fill out the eForm below and send it to the Librarian at [email protected]. The cutoff for placing items on the Wait List is the Sunday before each meeting. Any items or requests received after the cutoff will be held and added to the Wait List for the following month.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact the Librarian directly at: [email protected].
Click here to download the Library Wait List form to your computer.
Once you have filled out and saved the form, click here to submit it via email.